Neyer, G.R., J.M. Hoem and G. Andersson: Education and childlessness: the influence of educational field and educational level on childlessness among Swedish and Austrian women. In: Childlessness in Europe: contexts, causes, and consequences, M.R. Kreyenfeld and D. Konietzka (Eds.). Springer, Dordrecht 2017, 183-207.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44667-7_9
Hoem, J.M. and L. Nedoluzhko: The dangers of using ‘negative durations’ to estimate pre- and post-migration fertility. Population Studies 70(2016)3: 359-363.
DOI: 10.1080/00324728.2016.1221442
Hoem, J.M.: Life table. In: International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences. Vol. 14: Li-Mec, J.D. Wright (Ed.). 2nd ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam 2015, 89-92.
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.34039-9
Hoem, J.M.: The dangers of conditioning on the time of occurrence of one demographic process in the analysis of another. Population Studies 68(2014)2: 151-159.
DOI: 10.1080/00324728.2013.843019
Persson, L. and J.M. Hoem: Immigrant fertility in Sweden, 2000-2011: a descriptive note. Demographic Research 30(2014)30: 887-898.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.30
Hoem, J.M.: The dangers of conditioning on the time of occurrence of one demographic process in the analysis of another. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock 2013, 21 p. (MPIDR working paper; WP-2013-006).
Internet: http://www.demogr.mpg.de/papers/working/wp-2013-006.pdf
Hoem, J.M., M. Jalovaara and C. Mureşan: Recent fertility patterns of Finnish women by union status: a descriptive account. Demographic Research 28(2013)14: 409-420.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2013.28.14
Hoem, J.M., C. Mureşan and M. Hărăguş: Recent features of cohabitational and marital fertility in Romania. Population: English Edition 68(2013)4: 579-605.
DOI: 10.3917/pope.1304.0579
Neyer, G.R., J.M. Hoem and G. Andersson: Kinderlosigkeit, Bildungseinrichtung und Bildungsniveau: Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung schwedischer und österreichischer Frauen der Geburtenjahrgänge 1955-59. In: Ein Leben ohne Kinder: Ausmaß, Strukturen und Ursachen von Kinderlosigkeit, D. Konietzka and M.R. Kreyenfeld (Eds.). 2. Aufl., Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2013, 101-135.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-531-94149-3_4
Hoem, J.M.: Demography. / Life table. / Statistical significance. In: International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, M. Lovric (Ed.). Springer, Berlin 2011 (Springer reference).
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04898-2_205 (Demography / Vol. 1: A-F, p. 370-373)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04898-2_335 (Life table / Vol. 2: G-P, p. 737-738)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04898-2_84 (Statistical significance / Vol. 3: Q-Z, p. 1468-1470)
Hoem, J.M. and C. Mureşan: An extension of the conventional TFR. European Journal of Population 27(2011)4: 389-402.
DOI: 10.1007/s10680-011-9247-9
Hoem, J.M. and C. Mureşan: The Total Marital Fertility Rate and its extensions. European Journal of Population 27(2011)3: 295-312.
DOI: 10.1007/s10680-011-9237-y
Gabrielli, G. and J.M. Hoem: Italy’s non-negligible cohabitational unions. European Journal of Population 26 (2010)1: 33-46.
DOI: 10.1007/s10680-009-9193-y
Hoem, J.M.: H.: Engelhardt, H.-P. Kohler, and A. Prskawetz (eds), Causal Analysis in Population Studies: Concepts, Methods, Applications. Published in the Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis (2009) [Book review]. European Journal of Population 26(2010)4: 507-509.
DOI: 10.1007/s10680-010-9218-6
Hoem, J.M., G. Gabrielli, A. Jasilioniene, D. Kostova and A. Matysiak: Levels of recent union formation: six European countries compared. Demographic Research 22(2010)9: 199-210.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2010.22.9
Mureşan, C. and J.M. Hoem: The negative educational gradients in Romanian fertility. Demographic Research 22(2010)4: 95-114.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2010.22.4
Hoem, J.M.: The Cult of Statistical Significance: How the Standard Error Costs Us Jobs, Justice, and Lives. 2008. By Stephen T. Zilliak and Deidre N. McCloskey. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press [Book review]. Population Studies 63(2009)2: 195-202.
DOI: 10.1080/00324720902921073
Hoem, J.M., D. Kostova, A. Jasilioniene and C. Mureşan: The structure of recent first-union formation in Romania. Romanian Journal of Population Studies 3(2009)1: 33-44.
Hoem, J.M., D. Kostova, A. Jasilioniene and C. Mureşan: Traces of the Second Demographic Transition in four selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe: union formation as a demographic manifestation. European Journal of Population 25(2009)3: 239-255.
DOI: 10.1007/s10680-009-9177-y
Mureşan, C. and J.M. Hoem: The negative educational gradients in Romanian fertility. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock 2009, 13 p. (MPIDR working paper; WP-2009-019).
Internet: http://www.demogr.mpg.de/papers/working/wp-2009-019.pdf
Frejka, T., T. Sobotka, J.M. Hoem and L. Toulemon (Eds.): Childbearing trends and policies in Europe. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2008, 1178 p. (Demographic Research: Special Collection; 7).
Stable URL: http://www.demographic-research.org/special/7/
Frejka, T., T. Sobotka, J.M. Hoem and L. Toulemon: Summary and general conclusions: childbearing trends and policies in Europe. Demographic Research 19(2008)2: 5-14.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2008.19.2
Gabrielli, G. and J.M. Hoem: Italy’s non-negligible cohabitational unions. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock 2008, 16 p. (MPIDR working paper; WP-2008-019).
Internet: http://www.demogr.mpg.de/papers/working/wp-2008-019.pdf
Hoem, J.M.: Overview chapter 8: The impact of public policies on European fertility. Demographic Research 19(2008)10: 249-260.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2008.19.10
Hoem, J.M.: Preface: Childbearing trends and policies in Europe. Demographic Research 19(2008)1: 1-4.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2008.19.1
Hoem, J.H.: The reporting of statistical significance in scientific journals: a reflexion. Demographic Research 18(2008)15: 437-442.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2008.18.15
Hoem, J.M. and D. Kostova: Early traces of the Second Demographic Transition in Bulgaria: a joint analysis of marital and non-marital union formation, 1960-2004. Population Studies 62(2008)3: 259-271.
DOI: 10.1080/00324720802313256
Hoem, J.M. and L. Nedoluzhko: Marriage formation as a process intermediary between migration and childbearing. Demographic Research 18(2008)21: 611-628.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2008.18.21
Neyer, G.R. and J.M.Hoem: Education and permanent childlessness: Austria vs. Sweden; a research note. In: Demographic challenges for the 21st century: a state of the art in demography; conference organized as a tribute to the continuing endeavors of Prof. Dr. Em. Ron Lesthaeghe in the field of demography, J. Surkyn, P. Deboosere and J. Van Bavel Eds.). Brussels University Press, Brussels 2008, 91-112.
Hoem, J.M.: Demography, present and future. Population: English Edition 62(2007)1: 53-56.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/27645294
Hoem, J.M.: Why does Sweden have such high fertility? In: Wege zu einer erfolgreichen Familien- und Bevölkerungspolitik. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Demographie in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Lehrstuhl für Statistik und Ökonometrie an der Universität Potsdam vom 16. Bis 18. März 2005, J. Flöthmann und C. Höhn (Eds.). Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2007, 77-93 (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Demographie; 1).
Neyer, G., J.M. Hoem and G. Andersson: Kinderlosigkeit, Bildungseinrichtung und Bildungsniveau: Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung schwedischer Frauen der Geburtenjahrgänge 1955-59. In: Ein Leben ohne Kinder: Kinderlosigkeit in Deutschland, D. Konietzka and M.R. Kreyenfeld (Eds.). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2007, 105-134.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-531-90323-1_4
Vikat, A., Z. Spéder, G. Beets, F.C. Billari, C. Bühler, A. Désesquelles, T. Fokkema, J.M. Hoem, A.L. MacDonald, G.R. Neyer, A. Pailhé, A. Pinnelli and A. Solaz: Generations and Gender Survey (GGS): towards a better understanding of relationships and processes in the life course. Demographic Research 17(2007)14: 389-440.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2007.17.14
Andersson, G., J.M. Hoem and A.-Z. Duvander: Social differentials in speed-premium effects in childbearing in Sweden. Demographic Research 14(2006)4: 51-70.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2006.14.4
Hoem, J.M. and M.R. Kreyenfeld: Anticipatory analysis and its alternatives in life-course research. Part 1: Education and first childbearing. Demographic Research 15(2006)16: 461-484.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2006.15.16
Hoem, J.M. and M.R. Kreyenfeld: Anticipatory analysis and its alternatives in life-course research. Part 2: Marriage and first birth. Demographic Research 15(2006)17: 485-498.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2006.15.17
Hoem, J.M., G.R. Neyer and G. Andersson: Education and childlessness: the relationship between educational field, educational level, and childlessness among Swedish women born in 1955-59. Demographic Research 14(2006)15: 331-380.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2006.14.15
Hoem, J.M., G.R. Neyer and G. Andersson: Educational attainment and ultimate fertility among Swedish women born in 1955-59. Demographic Research 14(2006)16: 381-404.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2006.14.16
Neyer, G.R., G. Andersson, J.M. Hoem, M. Rønsen and A. Vikat: Fertilität, Familiengründung und Familienerweiterung in den nordischen Ländern. In: Wem gehört die Familie der Zukunft? Expertisen zum 7. Familienbericht der Bundesregierung, H. Bertram, H. Krüger und C.K. Spieß (Eds.). Budrich, Opladen 2006, 207-233.
Hoem, J.M.: Why does Sweden have such high fertility? Demographic Research 13(2005)22: 559-572.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2005.13.22
Hoem, J.M. and M. Strandberg: Childbearing patterns for Swedish mothers of twins, 1961-1999. Demographic Research 11(2004)15: 421-454.
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2004.11.15
Thomson, E., J.M. Hoem, A. Vikat, A. Prskawetz, I. Buber, L. Toulemon, U. Henz, A.L. Godecker and V. Kantorová: Childbearing in stepfamilies: how parity matters. In: Dynamics of fertility and partnership in Europe: insights and lessons from comparative research. Vol. 2, E. Klijzing and M. Corijn (Eds.). United Nations, New York 2002, 87-99.
Hoem, J.M.: Demographic analysis, a probabilistic approach to. / Life table. In: International Encyclopedia for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 14, N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes (Eds.). Elsevier, Oxford 2001, 3428-3432, 8832-8836.
Hoem, J.M., A. Prskawetz and G.R. Neyer: Autonomy or conservative adjustment? The effect of public policies and educational attainment on third births in Austria, 1975-96. Population Studies 55(2001)3: 249-261.
DOI: 10.1080/00324720127700
Hoem, J.M.: Systematic patterns of zero exposures in event-history analysis. Sociological Methodology 30(2000)1: 237-259.
Hoem, J.M., A. Aassve, G. Andersson, P. Baizán Munoz, F.C. Billari, H. Engelhardt, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, K. Hank, J. Huinink, H.-P. Kohler, A. Kohlmann, M.R. Kreyenfeld, G.R. Neyer and A. Vikat: Concepts for a second round of fertility and family surveys in Europe with particular attention paid to persons of reproductive/working age. In: Generations and Gender Programme: exploring future research and data collection options, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe/United Nations Population Fund (Eds.). United Nations, New York 2000, 59-104.
Kohler, H.-P., F.C. Billari, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz and J.M. Hoem: Max-Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung: Forschungsschwerpunkte des Forschungsprogramms „Fertilität, Familiendynamik und Bevölkerungsentwicklungen”. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung 12(2000)2: 109-119.
Carlson, E. and J.M. Hoem: Low-weight neonatal survival paradox in the Czech Republic. American Journal of Epidemiology 149(1999)5: 447-453.
DOI: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a009832
Carlson, E., J.M. Hoem and J. Rychtáríkova: Trajectories of fetal loss in the Czech Republic. Demography 36(1999)3: 327-337.
DOI: 10.2307/2648056
Hoem, B. and J.M. Hoem: Fertility trends in Sweden up to 1996. Population Bulletin of the United Nations 40/41(1999): 318-333.
Thomson, E., J.M. Hoem and A.L. Godecker: Selection processes in stepfamily fertility. In: European Population Conference 1999: The Hague, The Netherlands, 30 August – 3 September 1999; book of abstracts, H. van den Brekel, H. Kuijper and A. Verworst (Eds.). Kluwer, Dordrecht 1999, 360-361.
Vikat, A., E. Thomson and J.M. Hoem: Stepfamily-fertility in contemporary Sweden: the impact of childbearing before the current union. Population Studies 53 (1999)2: 211-225.
DOI: 10.1080/00324720308082
Hoem, J.M.: Life table. In: Encyclopedia of biostatistics. Vol. 3: H-Mea, P. Armitage and T. Coulton (Ed.). Wiley, Chichester 1998.
Thomson, E. and J.M. Hoem: Couple childbearing plans and births in Sweden. Demography 35(1998)3: 315-322.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3004039
Hoem, J.M.: Educational gradients in divorce risks in Sweden in recent decades. Population Studies 51(1997)1: 19-27.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2175070
Hoem, J.M.: The impact of the first child on family stability. Stockholm University, Demography Unit, Stockholm 1997, 13 p. (Stockholm research reports in demography; 119).
Internet: http://www.suda.su.se/polopoly_fs/1.293833.1472131882!/menu/standard/file/SRRD_119_Hoem_impact%20of%20the%20first%20child.pdf
Hoem, J.M.: The harmfulness and harmlessness of using an anticipatory regressor: how dangerous is it to use education achieved as of 1990 in the analysis of divorce risk in earlier years. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research 33(1996): 34-43.
Hoem, B. and J.M. Hoem: Sweden’s family policies and roller-coaster fertility. Journal of Population Problems (Tokyo), 52 (1996)3/4: 1-22.
Blossfeld, H.-P., A. De Rose, J.M. Hoem and G. Rohwer: Education, modernization, and the risk of marriage disruption in Sweden, West-Germany, and Italy. In: Gender and family change in industrialized countries, K. Oppenheim Mason and A.-M. Jensen (Eds.). Clarendon Press, Oxford 1995, 200-222.
Hoem, B. and J.M. Hoem: Education and ultimate fertility: patterns for Swedish women born in the 1940s. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock 1995, 14, [6] p. (MPIDR internal report).
Hoem, J.M.: Educational capital and divorce risk in Sweden in the 1970s and 1980s. Stockholm University, Demography Unit, Stockholm 1995, 35, [5] p. (Stockholm research reports in demography; 95).
Hoem, J.M.: Harmless omission in the standardization of demographic rates. European Journal of Population 11(1995)4: 313-322.
DOI: 10.1007/BF01267722
Hoem, J.M.: Moving-average graduation and the timing of the historical demographic transition in Sweden. In: Demography, economy and welfare, C. Lundh (Ed.). University Press, Lund 1995, 466-478 (Scandinavian population studies; 10) (Lund studies in economic history; 1).
Hoem, J.M.: Classical demographic methods of analysis and modern event-history techniques. In: International Population Conference: Montreal 1993, 24 August – 1st September. Vol. 3, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Liège 1993, 281-291.
Hoem, J.M.: Public policy as the fuel of fertility: effects of a policy reform on the pace of childbearing in Sweden in the 1980s. Acta Sociologica 36 (1993)1: 19-31.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4200829
Hoem, B. and J.M. Hoem: The disruption of marital and non-marital unions in contemporary Sweden. In: Demographic applications of event history analysis, J. Trussell, R. Hankinson and J. Tilton (Eds.). Clarendon Press, Oxford 1992, 61-93.
Hoem, J.M.: Harmless model misspecification. In: Mennesker og modeller: livsløp og kryssløp, O. Ljones, B. Moen and L. Østby (Eds.). Statistisk sentralbyrå, Oslo 1992, 135-146 (Sosiale og økonomiske studier; 78).
Hoem, J.M.: The usefulness of moving-average graduation in the analysis of demographic time series. Stockholm University, Demography Unit, Stockholm 1992, 24 p. (Stockholm research reports in demography; 70).
Hoem, J.M.: Fluttering tails in moving average graduation. Stockholm University, Demography Unit, Stockholm 1991, 25 p. (Stockholm research reports in demography; 62).
Also published as: The moving average graduation method. Annex to: Trends in class mobility. In: Erikson, R. and J.H. Goldthorpe: The constant flux: a study of class mobility in industrial societies. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1992, 107-113.
Hoem, J.M.: La standardisation indirecte améliorée et son application à la divortialité en Suède (1971-1989). Population 46(1991)6: 1551-1568.
Stable URL: http://www.persee.fr/doc/pop_0032-4663_1991_num_46_6_3785
Hoem, J.M.: To marry, just in case...: the Swedish widow's-pension reform and the peak in marriages in December 1989. Acta Sociologica 34(1991)2: 127-135.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4194719
Also published in Swedish: Att gifta sig om utifall att …: änkepensionen och giftermålen i december 1989. In: Befolkningsförändringar 1989: Del 3: Hela riket och länen m m [Population changes 1989. Part 3: The whole country and the counties etc.], Statistiska centralbyrån (Ed.). SCB, Stockholm 1990, 10-14.
Internet: http://www.scb.se/Grupp/Hitta_statistik/Historisk_statistik/_Dokument/SOS/Befolkningsstatistik/Befolkning%20Befolkningsforandringar%201989%20Del%203.pdf
Hoem, J.M.: Identifiability in hazard models with unobserved heterogeneity: the compatibility of two apparently contradictory results. Theoretical Population Review 37(1990)1: 124-128.
DOI: 10.1016/0040-5809(90)90030-Y
Hoem, J.M.: Limitations of a heterogeneity technique: selectivity issues in conjugal union disruption at parity zero in contemporary Sweden. In: Convergent issues in genetics and demography: [papers presented at an international conference, held ... Ann Arbor, on October 7 - 8, 1988, entitled "Convergent Questions in Genetics and Demography”], J. Adams, D.A. Lam, A.I. Hermalin and P.E. Smouse (Eds.). Oxford University Press, New York 1990, 133-153.
Also published as: Stockholm research report in demography. Stockholm University, Demography Unit, Stockholm 1989, 40 p. (Stockholm research reports in demography; 56).
Hoem, J.M.: Restriction biases in the analysis of births and marriages to cohabiting women from data on the most recent conjugal union only. In: Event history analysis in life course research, K.U. Mayer and N. Brandon Tuma (Eds.). The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1990, 555-600.
Hoem, J.M.: Social policy and recent fertility change in Sweden. Population and Development Review 16(1990)4: 735-748.
DOI: 10.2307/1972965
Wolthius, H. and J.M. Hoem: The retrospective premium reserve. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 9(1990)2-3: 229-234.
DOI: 10.1016/0167-6687(90)90037-E
Hoem, B. and J.M. Hoem: The impact of women's employment on second and third births in modern Sweden. Population Studies 43(1989)1: 47-67.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2174237
Borgan, Ø. and J.M. Hoem: Demographic reproduction rates and the estimation of an expected total count per person in an open population. Journal of the American Statistical Association 83(1988)403: 886-891.
DOI: 10.2307/2289321
Hoem, B. and J.M. Hoem: The Swedish family: aspects of contemporary developments. Journal of Family Issues 9(1988)3: 397-424.
Stable URL: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/019251388009003007
Hoem, J.M.: The versatility of the Markov chain as a tool in the mathematics of life insurance. Transactions of the 23rd International Congress of Actuaries: Helsinki, Finland, 11-16 July 1988. Vol. 3, International Congress of Actuaries (Ed.). ICA, Helsinki 1988, 171-202.
Hoem, J.M. and P. Linnemann: The tails in moving average graduation. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (1988)4: 193-229.
DOI: 10.1080/03461238.1988.10413848
Hoem, B. and J.M. Hoem: Patterns of deferment of first births in modern Sweden. Paper presented to the European Population Conference in Jyväskylä, Finland, June 11-16,1987. Stockholm University, Demography Unit, Stockholm 1987, 22 p. (Stockholm research reports in demography; 42).
Internet: http://www.suda.su.se/polopoly_fs/1.293795.1472128582!/menu/standard/file/SRRD_42.pdf
Hoem, J.M.: Statistical analysis of a multiplicative model and its application to the standardization of vital rates: a review. International Statistical Review 55(1987)2: 119-152.
DOI: 10.2307/1403190
Hoem, J.M.: The issue of weights in panel surveys of individual behavior. Stockholm University, Demography Unit, Stockholm 1987, 45 p. (Stockholm research reports in demography; 39).
Also published in: Panel surveys: [the International Symposium on Panel Surveys ... held on November 20 - 22, 1986, in Washington, DC], D. Kasprzyk, G. Duncan, G. Kalton and M.P. Singh (Eds.). Wiley, New York 1989, 539-565.
Hoem, J.M.: Invited contribution (p. 717-719) to the discussion of David R. Brillinger's paper "The natural variability of vital rates and associated statistics". Biometrics 42(1986)4: 693-734.
DOI: 10.2307/2530689
Hoem, J.M.: The impact of education on modern family-union initiation. European Journal of Population 2(1986)2: 113-133.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20164400
Hoem, J.M.: Weighting, misclassification, and other issues in the analysis of survey samples of life histories. In: Longitudinal analysis of labor market data, J.J. Heckman and B.S. Singer (Eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1985, 249-293.
DOI: 10.1017/CCOL0521304539.005
Hoem, J.M. and B. Rennermalm: Modern family initiation in Sweden: experience of women born between 1936 and 1960. European Journal of Population 1(1985)1: 81-112.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20146326
Hoem, J.M.: A contribution to the statistical theory of linear graduation. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 3 (1984)1: 1-17.
DOI: 10.1016/0167-6687(84)90014-3
Hoem, J.M.: A flaw in actuarial exposed-to-risk theory. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (1984)3: 187-194.
DOI: 10.1080/03461238.1984.10413766
Hoem, J.M.: Marriages connected with first births among cohabiting women in the Danish fertility survey of 1975. Stockholm University, Demography Unit, Stockholm 1984, 46 p. (Stockholm research reports in demography; 19).
Internet: http://www.suda.su.se/polopoly_fs/1.293767.1472126272!/menu/standard/file/SRRD_19_Hoem_marriages%20connected%20with%20first.pdf
Hoem, J.M. and R. Selmer: The negligible influence of premarital cohabitation on marital fertility in current Danish cohorts, 1975. Demography 21(1984)2: 193-206.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2061039
Hoem, J.M.: Balancing bias in vital rates due to an informative sampling plan. In: Essays in honour of Tore E. Dalenius, L. Lyberg (Ed.). Statistics Sweden, Stockholm 1983, 81-88 (Statistical review; 3rd ser., 21(1983)5).
Hoem, J.M.: Distortions caused by nonobservation of periods of cohabitation before the latest. Demography 20(1983)4: 491-506.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2061115
Hoem, J.M.: Multistate mathematical demography should adopt the notions of event-history analysis. Stockholm University, Demography Unit, Stockholm 1983, 15 p. (Stockholm research reports in demography; 10).
Hoem, J.M.: Sveriges hundraåriga fruktsamhetsfall [A century of fertility decline in Sweden]. In: Barn?: författare, forskare och skolungdomar diskuterar varför det föds så få barn, S. Båvenholm (Ed.). Liber Förlag, Stockholm 1983, 185-211.
Hoem, J.M.: The reticent trio: some little-known early discoveries in life insurance mathematics by L.F.H. Oppermann, T.N. Thiele and J.P. Gram. International Statistical Review 51(1983)2: 213-221.
DOI: 10.2307/1402750
Hoem, J.M. and U. Funck Jensen: Multistate life table methodology: a probabilist critique. In: Multidimensional mathematical demography, K.C. Land and A. Rogers (Eds.). Academic Press, New York 1982,. 155-264.
Hoem, J.M. and B. Rennermalm: Biases in cohabitational nuptiality rates caused by nonobservation of periods of cohabitation before the latest: an empirical note. Stockholm University, Demography Unit, Stockholm 1982, 10 p. (Stockholm research reports in demography; 6).
Borgan, Ø. and J.M. Hoem: A nonasymptotic criterion for the evaluation of automobile bonus systems. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (1981)3: 165-178.
Hoem, J.M., D. Madsen, J.L. Nielsen, E.-M. Ohlsen, H.O. Hansen and B. Rennermalm: Experiments in modelling recent Danish fertility curves. Demography 18 (1981)2: 231-244.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2061095
Finnäs, F. and J.M. Hoem: Starting age and subsequent birth intervals in cohabitational unions in current Danish cohorts, 1975. Demography 17(1980)3: 279-295.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2061104
Hoem, J.M.: Who first fitted a mortality formula by least squares? Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik 14(1980)3: 459-460.
Hoem, J.M. and F. Finnäs: Træk af fertilitetsfaldet i Danmark siden slutningen af tresserne [Aspects of the decline in fertility in Denmark since the end of the sixties]. Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 118(1980)2: 171-183.
Internet: http://img.kb.dk/tidsskriftdk/pdf/nto/nto_0118-PDF/nto_0118_86278.pdf
Hoem, J.M. and D. Mortensen: The training of the actuary in Denmark. In: Transactions of the 21st International Congress of Actuaries, Zurich and Lausanne, 19th – 26 June, 1980. Vol. 1, International Congress of Actuaries (Ed.). ICA, Zurich 1980, 51-60.
Braun, H.I. and J.M. Hoem: Modelling cohabitational birth intervals in the current Danish population: a progress report. . University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics, Copenhagen 1979, 74 p. (Working papers; 24).
Finnäs, F. and J.M. Hoem: Cohort trends in cohabitational birth intervals in Denmark, 1975. Scandinavian Population Studies 5(1979): 196-210.
Hoem, J.M.: Exposed-to-risk considerations based on the Balducci assumption and other assumptions in the analysis of mortality. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics, Copenhagen 1979, 9 p. (Working papers; 30).
Hoem, J.M. and A. Ahlborn: Statistical analysis of a multiplicative model and its application to the standardization of vital rates. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics, Copenhagen 1979, 34 p. (Working papers; 21).
Aalen, O.O. and J.M. Hoem: Random time changes for multivariate counting processes. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (1978)2: 81-101.
DOI: 10.1080/03461238.1978.10419480
Hoem, J.M.: Demographic incidence rates. Theoretical Population Biology 14(1978)3: 329-337 [Bibliographic Note: 18(1980)2: 195].
DOI: 10.1016/0040-5809(78)90010-2
Hoem, J.M.: Invited contribution (p. 45-48) to the discussion of Carl-Erik Särndal's paper "Design-based and model-based inference in survey sampling". Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 5(1978)1: 27-52.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4615682
Hoem, J.M. and O.O.Aalen: Actuarial values of payment streams. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (1978)1: 38-47.
DOI: 10.1080/03461238.1978.10414317
Hoem, J.M. and B. Rennermalm: On the statistical theory of analytic graduation by splines. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics, Copenhagen 1978, 26 p. (Working papers; 14).
Hoem, J.M.: A Markov chain model of working life tables. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (1977)1: 1-20.
DOI: 10.1080/03461238.1977.10405621
Hoem, J.M.: Fertility and outmigration: reflections on research approaches in empirical investigations of the association between two demographic phenomena. In: Demographic, economic and social interaction, Å.E. Andersson and I. Holmberg (Eds.). Ballinger, Cambridge 1977, 55-83.
Hoem, J.M.: A Markov chain model of working life tables: the effects of age grouping. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics, Copenhagen 1976 (Working papers; 7).
Hoem, J.M.: On the optimality of modified minimum chi-square analytic graduation. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 3(1976)2: 89-92.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4615616
Hoem, J.M., E. Berge and B. Holmbeck: Four papers on the analytic graduation of fertility curves. Statistisk Sentralbyrå, Oslo 1976, 57 p. (Artikler fra Statistisk sentralbyrå; 86).
Internet: https://www.ssb.no/a/histstat/art/art_086.pdf
Hoem, J.M. and M. Fong: A Markov chain model of working life tables: a new method for the construction of tables of working life. University of Copenhagen, Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics, Copenhagen 1976 (Working papers; 2). Supplement: Illustrative tables based on Danish Labor Force surveys, 1972-1974 [with a correction note from 9 August 1978].
Hoem, J.M., N. Keiding, H. Kulokari, B. Natvig, O. Barndorff-Nielsen and J. Hilden: The statistical theory of demographic rates: a review of current developments [with discussion and reply]. . Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 3(1976)4: 169-185.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4615634
Keiding, N. and J.M. Hoem: Stochastic stable population theory with continuous time. I. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (1976)3: 150-175.
DOI: 10.1080/03461238.1976.10405611
Hoem, J.M.: The construction of increment-decrement life tables: a comment on articles by R. Schoen and V. Nelson. Demography 12(1975)4: 661.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2060720
Hoem, J.M. and E. Berge: Some problems in Hadwiger fertility graduation. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (1975)3: 129-144.
DOI: 10.1080/03461238.1975.10405091
Hoem, J.M. and E. Berge: Theoretical and empirical results on the analytic graduation of fertility rates . In: Proceedings of the 8th International Biometric Conference, August 25-30, 1974, Constanța, Romania, L.C.A. Corsten and T. Postelnicu (Eds.). Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucharest 1975, 363-371.
Hoem, J.M. and B. Holmbeck: The demographic interpretation of the basic parameters in Hadwiger fertility graduation. Statistical review III 13(1975)5: 369-375.
Hoem, J.M. and O. Ljones: The labour force surveys of the Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway: the need for a revision of the questionnaire, 1974/75 [in Norwegian]. Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway, Oslo 1974, 17 p. (Working paper; IO 74/52).
Internet: https://www.ssb.no/a/histstat/ano/ano_io74_52.pdf
Hoem, J.M.: Levels of error in population forecasts. With an appendix by Leo Törnqvist. Aschehoug, Oslo 1973, 46 p. (Artikler fra Statistisk sentralbyrå; 61).
Hoem, J.M.: Non-life insurance mathematics [in Norwegian]. University of Oslo, Department of Mathematics, Oslo 1973 (Lecture notes).
Hoem, J.M.: Statistisk sentralbyrås utvalgsundersøkelser: elementer av det matematiske grunnlaget [The sample surveys of the Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway: basic mathematical elements]. Aschehoug, Oslo 1973, 59 p. (Artikler fra Statistisk sentralbyrå; 58).
Hoem, J.M.: Inhomogeneous Semi-Markov processes, select actuarial tables, and duration-dependence in demography. Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway, Oslo 1972, 36 p. (Working papers from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway; IO 72/11).
Internet: http://www.ssb.no/a/histstat/ano/ano_io72_11.pdf
Hoem, J.M.: On the statistical theory of analytic graduation. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Vol. 1: Theory of statistics, L.M. Le Cam, J. Neyman and E.L. Scott (Eds.). University of California Press, Berkeley 1972, 569-600.
Hoem, J.M.: A probabilistic theory for collective children's pension insurance. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (1971)1-2: 74-79.
DOI: 10.1080/03461238.1971.10404662
Hoem, J.M.: An elementary introduction to the mathematics of finance [in Norwegian]. Oslo University Press, Oslo 1971.
Hoem, J.M.: On the interpretation of certain vital rates as averages of underlying forces of transition. Theoretical Population Biology 2(1971)4: 454-468.
DOI: 10.1016/0040-5809(71)90034-7
Hoem, J.M.: On the interpretation of the maternity function as a probability density. Theoretical Population Biology 2(1971)3: 319-327 [Erratum: 3(1972)2: 240].
DOI: 10.1016/0040-5809(71)90023-2
Hoem, J.M.: Point estimation of forces of transition in demographic models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 33(1971)2: 275-289.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2985008
Hoem, J.M., J. Riis and R. Sand: Disability income benefits in group life insurance. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (1971)3-4: 190-203.
DOI: 10.1080/03461238.1971.10404676
Hoem, J.M.: A probabilistic approach to nuptiality. Biométrie-Praximétrie 11(1970)1: 3-19.
Hoem, J.M.: Probabilistic fertility models of the life table type. Theoretical Population Biology 1(1970)1: 12-38.
DOI: 10.1016/0040-5809(70)90040-7
Hoem, J.M.: Concepts of a bisexual theory of marriage formation. Statistisk Tidskrift III 7(1969)4: 295-300.
Hoem, J.M.: Fertility rates and reproduction rates in a probabilistic setting. Biométrie-Praximétrie 10(1969)1: 38-66 [Erratum: 11(1970)1: 20].
Hoem, J.M.: Markov chain models in life insurance. Blätter der DGVFM 9(1969)2: 91-107.
DOI: 10.1007/BF02810082
Hoem, J.M.: Markovprosesser i livsforsikring og demografi [Diss.]. University of Oslo, Oslo 1969 (Oslo, Univ., Avh., 1969).
Hoem, J.M.: Purged and partial Markov chains. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (1969)3-4: 147-155.
DOI: 10.1080/03461238.1969.10404591
Hoem, J.M.: Simple monotonizing techniques with applications in demography. Memorandum from Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, Oslo 1969, 15 p.
Hoem, J.M.: Some notes on the qualifying period in disability insurance. I. Actuarial values. Mitteilungen / Vereinigung Schweizerischer Versicherungsmathematiker 69(1969)1: 105-116.
DOI: 10.5169/seals-551145
Hoem, J.M.: Some notes on the qualifying period in disability insurance. II. Problems of maximum likelihood estimation. Mitteilungen / Vereinigung Schweizerischer Versicherungsmathematiker 69(1969)2: 301-317.
DOI: 10.5169/seals-551414
Hoem, J.M.: The sampling distribution of an estimator arising in connection with the truncated exponential distribution. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 40 (1969)2: 702-703.
DOI: 10.1214/aoms/1177697746
Hoem, J.M.: Application of time-continuous Markov chains to life insurance. Memorandum from Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, Oslo 1968, 59 p.
Hoem, J.M.: Enkle resultater om avskrivningsfond under prisstigning. Statsøkonomisk tidsskrift 82(1968)4: 242-256.
Hoem, J.M.: Grunnbegreper i formell befolkningslære [Basic concepts of formal demography]. Memorandum fra Sosialøkonomisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, 7. Februar 1967. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1968, 130 p.
Hoem, J.M.: Time-continuous Markov chain estimation techniques in demographic models. Memorandum from Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, Oslo 1968.
Hoem, J.M.: Some results on the estimation of forces of decrement. Memorandum from Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, Oslo 1967, 30 p.
Hoem, J.M.: Noen emner fra befolkningsteorien: utg. i tilknytning til forelesninger holdt høstsemesteret 1966. Memorandum from Institute of Economics, University of Oslo, Oslo 1966, 40 p.
Hoem, J.M.: Fondsdannelse i pensjonsordninger [Pension funding]. Memorandum fra Sosialøkonomisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1965, 64 p. (Memorandum fra Sosialøkonomisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, Abonnementsserie for Studenter; 30,2).
Hoem, J.M.: Rente, kontantverdi og forsikringsteknisk kontantverdi. Memorandum fra Sosialøkonomisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1965, 32 p. (Memorandum fra Sosialøkonomisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, Abonnementsserie for Studenter; 29,5).